amplify prayer manifest more

Amplify Prayer Manifest More

Amplify prayers and vibrations to manifest MORE. You might have heard things like this before. But what does it really MEAN? There is a current that flows through all of us. It connects us to God which is the Universal Consciousness. This energy current is always present in you. To manifest an intention you must access this current. Just like a song has specific notes, ability to manifest has a very specific frequency.

Think of this as its “tune.” When you hear people talk about frequency and vibration, they are referring to the specific “tune” of this current. You can learn to FEEL it as it moves through you. This can amplify your prayers. You can also think of it like this. Something important is about to happen and you need to inform LOTS of people. If you were to say the message aloud, it could of course be heard by anyone nearby. Cool. But If you said the information over a radio broadcast then an even larger a could possibly be warned.

make it physically real

Sounds like a good idea, huh? All you gotta do is tune into the correct electromagnetic frequencies and have the right tools(oh, or own a radio station). Also someone would need to be able to tune into that frequency and receive it to hear it. In other words if you have the knowledge and the technical ability, you could really amplify that message. But until THEN you will just be speaking it aloud. Maybe even just yelling it on a street corner HOPING someone hears.

You possess innate ability to change your own reality

You actually already know EXACTLY how that feels if you have ever felt like your prayers were not heard. Maybe you even feel like you are not expressing them effectively. Luckily you already possess innate abilities for amplified prayer and manifesting. This means you don’t HAVE to yell on a street corner for your message to be heard. Now if you think about it, we mostly pray inside our heads, to ourselves. Body, mind and spirit must be in tune for us to have prayer realized.

Nonetheless prayer and manifestation occur in the INTERIOR space of the mind and spirit. Sure you can say them out loud as well but that is a device for YOU. Praying out loud when alone can help some people express themselves with pride. It is a way of “admission” of wants to self. But for others it is more powerful to pray silently, even when alone. Prayer in groups is very powerful too though.

Ever heard of strength in numbers? Praying with others helps people connect, which amplifies the prayer in its own way. This is why prayer or intention setting in groups is so powerful. Multiple minds, bodies, spirits joining together in one intention or prayer. Powerful stuff. But you on your own can amplify your prayers and intentions. How?

The human body is always equipped to tap into Divine Consciousness

Connect to the Divine Current, the God Frequency. Think back to the example of the radio broadcast. The broadcaster needs to be speaking over the correct frequency to be fully heard. For prayer and intention setting it is the same! You must be tuned in to the correct vibrations and frequency, All 3 parts of your human presence (mind, body, spirit) must be plugged in to that exact divine wavelength. This wavelength is the Divine Current. It is the expression of God’s Light itself. Unity of consciousness. The Universe. Positive Life Force. God. 

Amplify Prayer to Manifest MORE!

Tap in to amplify your prayers. Amplify prayers to manifest more and better things for yourself. Plug in to the divine consciousness to discover your best self. Feel the Divine Current. It already flows through you.

Author: Mother