angels are here to help humanity

Angels are here to help humanity

Angels often act as guides for us. These Angel Guides are here to HELP humanity! Angels are beings of Energy, purposed by The Universal Consciousness (God) to carry out the Divine Plan. God created angels to help carry out the will of divinity on Earth. This includes spreading faith, truth and helping mankind. The angels are holy light made manifest, here to bring us the word of God. Being messengers of The Universal Light is one of their roles, but there is MORE.

Angel guides help humanity in direct and indirect ways

The angels are here to HELP humanity. God gave angels that purpose, too. Still there are as many different purposes as there are angels. But just like angels can bring the word of God to us, the angels can help bring OUR prayers to God! Their ability to be that holy messenger of divine purpose is multifold. They do not work for us, only the Divine Good. But their purpose is to bring the LOVE and LIGHT of God manifest to earth, to help guide us through our struggles. They help amplify our prayers.

angel guides are here to help humanity
Your Angel Guide can steer your towards your true purpose

Helping YOU is an Angel’s True Purpose

Think about it. When a human being knows their true purpose, they are happier, more fulfilled. When we realize our True Purpose in God’s World we are at our BEST! The Divine Good MADE the angels to carry out the will of LOVE towards humanity. This is the angels’ true purpose. Their true purpose is to HELP GUIDE humanity with the love and light and holy energy of the Divine Current, the light of God. Consequently the angels WANT to help us. Just like you want to fulfill your true purpose in this world, so do they. 

Gratitude is key in manifesting Divine assistance

The Angels do not work for US. They work for the Supreme Universal Force that we know as God. Nonetheless God’s holy light energy shines upon us when we are grateful and live with purpose. Therefore we must pray that the angels might guide us with the Light of healing and peace. The angels help us “amplify” our prayers. Prayers can and DO become manifest. The angels help guide us in learning how to use God’s healing light and the energy of nature around us. Angels help us “tap in” to the Divine Current so we might learn to use it better. We use the Holy Energy to heal ourselves, to help repair the world, to bless our lives and most importantly, to express GRATITUDE. Gratitude is part of what makes prayer WORK.

Let the Light of God’s love, the Divine Current, heal you today!

Author: Mother