angels are God's apps

Angels are god’s apps

Angels are God’s apps. Angels are “apps” as far as how they function for The Divine Consciousness (God). Some of you reading that are saying “huh?” right now. Well sometimes to understand the unknowable it must be put in terms we CAN understand. As a modern person with a phone (you might be reading this on one now) you are already familiar with apps. BUt what IS an app? Well the apps we use are made to perform specific functions or applications for us. That is why it is called an “app.” You use it for a very specific application such as a game, a way to connect with others or even to shop.

Everything we know about angels-either instinctively or traditionally-points to them having USE for God. You have heard that angels serve as messengers for God, as God’s scribe, as carrying out acts for God and so on. When you think about the Divine Unknowable Consciousness trying to communicate with early man (or even modern!), it becomes pretty clear that a human probably cannot even comprehend a power source so MASSIVE as the Divine Current of Energy that comes from God.

Metatron is alternately known as Michael the Archangel

Let’s take the angel Metatron for example. Metatron was a very HIGH RANKING angel and by THAT you can assume a very useful app. Clearly data collection was part of this angel’s job because he was known as a “scribe” who wrote the deeds of the people. God is so massive that they fashions an “app” for themself to help catalog the things they are to know. God knows all because God has the power to create living, divine “apps” to communicate or provide a function. Remember it is said man is created in GOD’s image…and we do that same thing. Make apps for ourselves that use the power of waves to communicate, store knowledge, guide us and more.

The purpose of angels is to function for God as apps do for today’s mankind.

Speaking of guiding, some beliefs speak of Metatron being a guide. According to mystical texts, Metatron was the angel guiding the Isrealites through the wilderness after Exodus. That’s right, Metatron was a GPS! A being of light energy who performed the task of leading humans. We use GPS and map apps by transmitting waves back and forth from our phones. It is a very similar thing in a sense Even though angels might be mystical and divine beings, they function for God as apps do for us.

angels function for God the way apps do for us

In Christian belief angels are agents of God, acting upon God’s instruction and will to assist and guide us. Yet there is a hierarchy in the angels, of importance, power and design. ONe example is the angels called “cherubim.” These are not the cute, cupid like babes we usually associate with the name cherub. These are powerful, strange forces of Divinity are thought to be more sphinx-like in form. Cherubim are known as keepers of Divine Knowledge and celestial records. I like to think of them as a sort of Citizendium or Wikipedia type site. A storehouse of knowledge consistently being updated. Except managed by angels so you don’t ever have to question the entries!

Ask Sandalphon to amplify and send your prayer to God

Another angel named Sandalphon is said to gather the prayers of the faithful to present to the Divine Creator themself. Think of Sandalphon’s purpose as fulfilling a role similar to a curator or even social media app. The prayers are gathered together and somehow brought to God by this angel. Just like twitter brings YOUR thoughts to all your followers. OR how facebook brings all your friends updates to YOU, in one place. Well Sandalphon is taking those prayer updates and bringing them to the Divine Creator.  Be sure to ask for Sandalphon’s help in getting your own prayer heard!

Now that you have heard some of the analogies between the two, can you SEE how the angels function for God like APPS do for us? There are more examples and maybe someday you will see a sequel to this article. Until then be sure to remember that “as above, so below.” These angels are useful for YOU as well. The angels are MADE with these purposes to serve God. One of these is to help humanity. Be sure to ask the angels for assistance and guidance. Be grateful for what you already have before asking for anything new. Doing so helps to raise your vibratory frequency. This helps all of your efforts manifest more easily. 

Author: Mother