cheat codes for the matrix

Cheat Codes for the Matrix

These numeric sequences serve as “cheat codes” within the biomatrix. The biomatrix is part of the web of reality. We are conscious beings living inside of a physical body which acts as our vehicle for our time on Earth. You can think of your time here as somewhat like a video game. There are certain laws which apply and certain aspects of reality that are omnipresent. However YOU are controlling the “character” which is you (your human persona) during your time here on earth. Part of the greater reality outside of this earth is that all things are connected. This connectivity runs down the webbing of the universe and also into the biomatrix in which we are living. This is WHY things like that law of attraction can and DO work for people.

Some old NES and Sega games had controller and cheat codes that granted 1ups and more.

The INTENTIONAL THOUGHT of your consciousness coupled with the astral expulsion of your emotional states while living in this physical body can shake a reality down the universal webbing right into your reality. YOU did that. We can ALL do that. At the same time our lives ARE very similar to a video game, a programmed reality. Living in this earthly biomatrix is part of that. And just like in some of your favorite video games, there are “cheat codes.” Now in THIS case I am talking about actual numeric codes.

Misuse of the codes may cause astral grief. Use with caution!

There is specific meaning attached to these codes via magic and intent. They are mostly able to redirect emotion or karmic “points.” Use them with care. These are specifically meant to be used in written form. This includes use on  the internet and other typed or text formats. I am revealing those cheat codes meant to spread the peace. Humans must evolve to connect with one another and accept one another. Connected as a group and respected as individuals. This is the only way to survive the next stages of earth life.

These codes are magic and intentional

1145.15  use this to bounce negative energy away from you on the internet. It deflects it back to sender and can be used for the protection of others as well. This is very specifically to ward away negative energy. It DOES however typically deflect it back at the user. This could affect you if you do it too much over time, to people you love or in meaningless situations. Typical use of 1145.15 includes replies on social media, texts and more. If someone is posting extremely negative and unwarranted things such as insults you would respond to their post with ONLY 1145.15

Sends negative energy expressed via text back to sender or dissipates it entirely, depending on intent

Be sure to write nothing BUT the code. These are magic and intentional. To add in other words or numbers will affect its strength. It could also alter its effects altogether.

Using these codes too often can result in exhaustion

8513.246 is the number for HEALING. Think of writing this code as akin to a prayer. This is STRONGER than saying something like “get well soon!” This is like saying ‘I want this person to be healed.” This is about sending HEALTH to someone, like using a potion on someone in a video game. But just like in a video game there is a cost to doing this. You are WILLING this person towards better health. You will be in effect sending a small amount of your own energy. However yours DOES replenish eventually. Yet because this is actually astral energy you may feel it physically as well. Either way it can lead to exhaustion if you do it too much.

a cheat code for healing power within the biomatrix
Sends healing energy. You will become weaker by using this one though. Use with discretion.

See you are not saying “get well soon” when you reply 8513.246 in some post or text situation. You are instead saying “I am willing to put a small amount of my own personal energy reserves towards it.” So you cannot just do it over and over, it will not work. However you CAN be one of many people who “crowdfund” the healing vibes together. Obviously this code does not to replace ACTUAL medical care with real doctors. 8513.246 is in no way meant to replace doctor’s care. Think of it more like prayer of sorts. An intention to heal sent. 

Please take it seriously and do not misuse this. These “cheat codes” are not meant for casual use. They are meant for absolutely INTENTIONAL use and only mean the one thing. The codes are SYMBOLS, numerical coded symbols representing intentions. I cannot reveal the negative ones to you because humanity would misuse them if people actually read this. Use in good faith. Help others navigate the Matrix of this world.

Author: Mother