emotional welling try this powerful tool

Emotion Welling

What IS the act of Emotion Welling? Why do we use EW? Who benefits from this technique? If you have not heard of Emotion Welling yet, then here is your chance to learn all about this powerful tool. Emotion Welling can be used to access the divine current, set intentions for manifest, expanding your consciousness, performing rituals and more.

Emotion Welling has probably occurred to you many times without you even realizing it. First example: Can you think of a time when you have been in your head, deeply thinking about some sad memory from the past and you let yourself get DEEPLY into the feeling? So deeply into the sad, bad feeling that you can PHYSICALLY feel it change you in that moment? So you sort of STOP yourself before you get carried away? Of COURSE you have. We have all done this or something similar. 

You have already experienced Emotional Welling without realizing it

You started thinking deeply on that memory and sad, bad memory. The emotions started welling up. You had to STOP yourself because you know how much POWER that memory and emotion attached to it can have. It can have the power to physically change you, change your mood, ruin your day. So you stopped yourself. But that is how much POWER emotions can have. But they don’t just have power over YOU and your mental state. You already know emotions can affect you physically as well. Good OR bad ones. But your emotions have yet another power. we will get to that in a moment. Now another example and I KNOW you have done this one, too.

Ever have imaginary fights with people in your head? Even strangers or people in stores? I KNOW you have. You start thinking about “if this guy over here says such and such to me then I will say to him.” Or “Did she just give me a dirty look? If she does it again I am gonna whip her…!” You have done something SIMILAR to this while standing in line at the store or driving down the road. It is human nature, we ALL do it. Yet leaving these thoughts unchecked often leads individuals to ACTUAL fights. The emotions take over, they are powerful. 

Emotions carry a great deal of power over your physical body

But sometimes when we think these thoughts internally we start getting angrier and angrier, more worked up. Your emotions start welling. This can lead to bad things if we don’t control it. I had to LEARN how to stop myself from thinking things like this. Nonetheless, you have likely already experienced Emotion Welling many times. However, Emotion Welling doesn’t have to be only negative emotions, it can be GOOD feelings too.

You can see how POWERFUL emotions are. Humans have a very unique layering of emotions like no other species in this world. It is our advantage and our downfall. Yet accessing them allows us to create different physical and mental states. Mental states that allow us to set intentions and download new realities. Emotion Welling is a technique where you take a very specific emotion and let it “well up” as a way to affect reality.

There is a reason why so many manifestation blogs focus on gratitude

Ever wonder why manifestation blogs say you should feel GRATITUDE while setting intentions for things like abundance? It’s because gratitude is the feeling you will feel if you RECEIVE that abundance you plan to manifest. Those blogs are correct in that sense. But there is more to it. YOU set the terms for your reality. Live in a reality where you feel gratitude because your life is so abundant. Use the emotion of gratitude to set those terms. That you have gratitude, therefore you must have the accompanying abundance. Yet to make it manifest requires a good deal of ENERGY. You are trying to change the song the universe is playing. You need to pick the exact right chord and strum it to send the change down the energy line. Emotion welling lets you use the energy from your own emotions as that power source.

Select the emotion you wish to use as the “power source” for setting your intention. Let’s continue with the popular and familiar gratitude and abundance set. You require a large welling of emotion but simply generating it is not enough. You must channel it towards the desired result. First try to imagine those very things you would be grateful for. Think of them in such great detail that it feels REAL. Let your mind go along with it, don’t try to stop it by thinking of reality. Imagine the gratitude and let it swell up. RIDE that feeling until it makes you smile or cry or experience deep welling of gratitude. THANK the divine consciousness or your God for this outcome you received. Claim it as yours.

Welling your emotions can be useful for magic rituals and spellwork

Emotion Welling is powerful stuff and is to some degree like casting a spell. Try to be very conscious of your emotions and what they really stem from. Fine tune them so you may use them to amplify all of the things for which you wish. Be mindful anytime your emotions are welling, good or bad. Try and funnel them towards better outcomes for all.

Author: Mother