manifest healing divine counsciousness

Manifest Change and Healing

You CAN learn to manifest positive change. Even learn to increase ability. For example learning to amplify your body’s own natural healing ability. The medications you currently take can work better than they already do. YOU have always had the ability to “optimize” your physical being. The power of mind and spirit are inseparable from your body’s health.

Manifesting healing ability and true change IS possible

It has been said in many ways: “Heal the mind and the body will follow. Heal the spirit and the mind will follow.” Therefore you may heal your spirit to heal your body.

Enjoy this guided hypnotic mediation for self healing

Manifest change in abilities such as healing

What if you could not only amplify your body’s ability to heal, but your MIND’S ability to manifest a better reality? Manifesting your will into reality requires learning to tap into the Divine Current.

The Divine Current is pure positive life force. Drink from it, soak in it, connect to it, benefit from it. It runs though you already, you only need to LEARN to access it. Access it as you set intentions. The perfect frequency and vibration are already in you. Your soul simply needs to be reminded.

Divine Current is the Light Energy of Consciousness

There will always be things in this world you cannot change, we all know this. But when it comes to YOU? You CAN change YOU. It is possible to manifest change in your own life and physical being. You were MADE with this ability. The source of all good already runs through you. It waits for you to remember it, use it, match its frequency and vibration. You might know it as the Ultimate Good, Universal Life Force, Positive Energy, Light Consciousness or simply God. We call it the Divine Current. It is part of you already and YOU part of it. We are all connected.

manifest healing divine counsciousness

Learn to tap into the Divine Current to manifest your new reality. It already exists within you.