do this if your house feels scary

Get Rid of that Scary House Energy

If you have ever felt the energy of your house was off or scary then here is help for you. You know the feeling. You are home alone and it is late at night, dark. You hear something but nothing is there. Maybe you feel like you just saw a shadow around the corner. Perhaps it is just a feeling that something is THERE. An INTRUDER. And this is not another human being. This intruder is something from the spirit world. Maybe some type of ghost. Perhaps a house spirit you did not invite in. Or maybe this intruder is just some kind of negative energy entity that is starting to focus on you. it could just be some residual bad vibes. But whatever it is, it is SCARING you.

So let’s get this thing away from you the EASY way, okay? You probably have heard about powerful actions such burning sage. BUt what if you don’t HAVE any sage or any way to prepare something? Here are tips you can use ANYTIME to get rid of bad vibes. NO special equipment or preparation are needed for these easy, helpful techniques.

you CAN feel safer with unwanted spirits in your home

First things first, gather your protective light around you. Close your eyes and envision a skintight white light covering every single inch of your being. This light is bright and holy and pure and nothing evil may penetrate it. Keep envisioning it, do not stop. Now say aloud “I stand in circles of light that nothing may cross.” Repeat it over and over. Let yourself FEEL the light protecting you and your spirit. Know that NOTHING may cross that light and “get” you.

get rid of negtive energy in yournow
If your house gets scary at night try these tips!

Next You are going to need to assert yourself as owner of that “space.” IN this case the space in question is your house. Next time you FEEL the presence there, say out loud with confidence: “You are NOT welcome here. This is MY house. Leave now and do not come back.” Mean it when you say it. This is often enough to resolve the situation. Say it again, growing in confidence and dominance. Repeat it and MEAN it.

We each have our own protective “shield” of white light we can summon anytime

There are many types of entities living in our worlds and others. Just like every physical creature here on Earth EATS something, so do these other entities. Animals and human animals here on earth are in physical bodies that require the physical foods here on earth appropriate to their species. You already knew this of course. But what do these nonphysical things eat? Very often it is ENERGY. And a particularly delicious form of energy is exerted in human emotions.

WHY do you think those negative things that are in your home are doing? TRYING TO SCARE YOU. Why? Because they eat that energy of your FEAR. They try to bring it out of you so they can consume it so to speak. It FUELS them. And anything that is fueled has the energy to keep going or even to grow. So you MUST NOT grow these negative spirits by feeding them your fear. 

Your fear FUELS negative entities. They EAT it. Do not feed them!

This is one of the reasons behind telling them to leave your home. Consider it standing up for yourself. The very act repels anything that means you harm. Stating the entity must leave is you setting your boundaries. Demand respect for those boundaries, even energy and spiritual ones.

Know that the light protects you and ASK for its protection. Remember, YOU stand in circles of light that nothing may cross. Say it anytime you want a spiritual and emotional boost. 

Remember emotions are POWER. Use them wisely.

Author: Mother