true purpose angel guide

The True Purpose of Angel Guides

The true purpose of angel guides is intertwined with yours and mine.And yes, Angels have a true purpose just like YOU do. Angels guide and assist us. Also they act as intermediaries between humans and God (the universal power). This can mean angels helping to amplify our prayers. Similarly this can include role of God’s messenger (voice of God). Their true form can be difficult for us to understand. Indeed they are beyond comprehension, just like the Divine Force. But they still have an important role they can play in YOUR life.

Holy Energy Angelic Light = H.E.A.L. Healing comes in many forms. One way is to access the holy light of the angels waiting to help you.

Setting Intentions and Praying are Similar

Prayer Is a type of setting intent and manifesting. This is why prayer WORKS and God’s holy energy CAN heal us. Heal the mind, spirit, body, relationships, the world. When you learn to access God’s Light that flows through you (the Divine Current) your prayers are “amplified.”

God’s Holy love and light already flow through us like a current. You can FEEL it. Nonetheless we can tap into this current for a deeper relationship with Divine Consciousness, the Angels, Nature, Humanity, Loved Ones and Health. We are born CONNECTED to God, the Divine Current. However our modern way of living can weaken this connection. Prayers, meditations, acts of kindness can strengthen it. Angel guides help to amplify this flow so we can heal our bodies, minds and spirits. 

Don’t be afraid to ask the Angels for Help!

Angels are Divine Light made manifest, here to help us here on Earth. 

There is a PLAN for you. Indeed your life has purpose. A god-given purpose. Angel guides can help us find that purpose. This is one of their many WAYS of helping us. Healing is another.

Healing IS possible. Access The Divine Current for healing and understanding. Angel guides help you refine your focus which in turn helps manifest the healing. The human body is DESIGNED to heal itself in miraculous ways. Indeed Modern medicine is a wonder too. When Combined there is so much Hope.

Mind, Body and Spirit can all experience healing

Let the light of Universal Good flow through you so it may work upon you! Manifest Divine Energy of healing to HELP your medications work better. HELP your body heal faster. HELP overcome physical stresses. The angels want this for you and can help. Accordingly say those prayers meant for bettering the physical body. Set intentions for healing.

Holy Energy Angelic Light is HEAL

Heal the spirit! Sometimes the mind or spirit needs healing, too. Once the mind is at peace the body can begin to let go of its fight and simply use its strength to heal instead. Therefore healing our minds and spirits can help the body function better as a result. Moreover mental peace IS possible. Pray the prayers that manifest peace.

True purpose can bring both inner peace and excitement for life.

The angels have a true purpose just like you do. For some it is to deliver the Word of God. Yet for other angels it is to help US. Just like you seek to fulfill your purpose, so do they. Above all the angels WANT to help us. They WANT us to feel God’s grace and healing. 

Prayer, meditation and gratitude matter. YOU matter.

Your loved ones never truly leave you. They just shed the shell of the human body. The body is but a vehicle for you to move through this life.

No one ever truly dies.

Direct experience of Divine Power is possible. You have always been connected to the divine current. You have always had angels watching over you. Now is the time to access the current of Divine vibration that is running through you and every other living thing.

We do not worship the angels but rather GOD who created the angels. We are all products of God’s Divine Energy Current. But truly connecting is how we can find purpose in this world. Ready to find yours? Please read all of our articles, watch our videos and support this site so we may continue to inspire and teach.

Author: Mother