Your Reality is Yours alone

Your reality is yours alone; it belongs entirely to YOU. We have been taught that we are all sharing the same “reality.” This is only sort of true. We ARE all in a “together” reality like we are traditionally thought to believe. IN THAT sense we can affect one another’s reality. Our fates can become intertwined. There is cause and effect that we see in day to day life in our own reality. But your reality still belongs entirely to YOU and you should treat it as YOURS to enjoy and change.

Self contained reality can be a difficult concept to wrap one’s head around. Sometimes an analogy can help us understand deeper concepts in a more relatable way. So here is an analogy for what YOUR reality IS. And you can think of your HUMAN life (meaning the one occurring in THIS human body) as very similar to playing an MMORPG. Your “soul” is playing through this life by being in a human body. 

Each reality is self contained

So how does the “Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game” concept help explain the idea of a personal reality? It boils down to Servers and the Persistent World. In an MMORPG there is a “persistent” world. It is a sort of shared storyline common to all players in that game. This would of course be analogous to our SHARED world, our day to day reality.

you own your own reality

That game all the different people are playing is hosted on different servers, you CHOOSE one to enter into that game all of you are playing. Millions of people can be playing the same game in the same persistent world at once but only communicating with those in their own server. Some players might play in areas that simply will not exist for others in the game ALTHOUGH THEY COULD (expansion packs). We are all playing the same game but not all of our gameplay will intersect or even affect others.

are we living in a video game?

We don’t always affect other people’s lives because we are each our own SERVER. You are in your own game reality and the world can be changed according to the reality you download. It is possible we are in a concentric series of these “server” analogues. It is possible to layers of reality stacked one on another. Individual realities, group realities and a bigger persistent reality. 

Similar to in an MMORPG, there exists a persistent world

Do note that in these games we all START at the same point and to some degree the main storyline is the same for everyone but YOUR storyline is made by you. Now of course the biological matrix WE live in is a lot more complicated than say, Everquest. Then again the very complexity of it is WHY we need analogies like this.

Your own reality belongs to you alone.

The point is you CAN manifest change. This is YOUR reality to change. Many people will take this as permission for greed and committing unkind acts. BUt those things will not help you manifest good things into your life. See, Tapping into the collective consciousness is one of the only ways to MAKE those changes. BUt to be allowed into collective consciousness you must treat the collective consciousness (including others) with respect and kindness. They are YOU and you are THEM. The golden rule applies on a deep level.

This is why you must not act with bad intent DESPITE your reality being yours alone to shape. You cannot manifest good things for yourself or any growth that way. Evil is how you “lose” the game of life. Remember you are but a spirit playing it. Grow and prosper!

Author: Mother